Mark Fowiley and Hadeer Kadeer are walking out of class on a Friday afternoon. The two first-years, at a prestigious university, discuss the events that have transpired over the past few days. Mark looks at Hadeer and excitedly asks, "Did you hear what happened to Sarah?". Hadeer looks at his fellow peer and says, [[no]] [[I think James told me]] [[yea man, what a shame]] Mark: "Bro she got caught cheating on her Spanish test. I think I saw handwritten statements on her arm." Hadeer: "Damn, that's crazy. I think my mom would kick me out of the house if I did that. I thought she was really smart though." Mark and Hadeer are shocked to see Sarah walking behind them, and they begin to wonder whether Sarah heard their conversation. The two boys: [[look back and say hello to Sarah]] [[walk faster so as to avoid Sarah]] Mark: "I know man, just awful. The kids here are so competitive. This kid in my stat class literally tries to sabotage other kids' work. He always wears this stupid Yankees cap." Hadeer: "Hahaha, that's my cousin's best friend, man. He's under a lot of pressure from his parents. He had a crazy childhood too." Mark: "Oh, well I don't really know him that well." The boys see Sarah walking behind them. Hadeer: "Hahahaha, it's fine man. You're right, he's supercompetivite. You want to go to the caf? Sarah is walking behind us." Mark: "Really? Yea, let's get out of here." Mark: "Hey Sarah" Sarah: "Oh, Hey Mark. What's up Hadeer?" Hadeer: "Uh did you hear our conversation? Sorry, we just heard some rumors in class. We didn't mean to offend you." Sarah: "It's ok guys, it's my fault. Just don't tell other people." Hadeer: "Sure" Mark: "Alright" Mark: "Wow, she looks awful. I feel bad for her." Hadeer: "Yea, let's walk in a different direction. I think she heard us." Mark: "Seriously?" Sarah: "Hey guys, did you hear about the cheating scandal?" Hadeer: "Oh, hey Sarah, I didn't see you there. No, I haven't heard anything about it." Sarah: "Ok, Hadeer, ok."Mark: "Yea man, it's crazy. I feel really bad for her. She's definitely going to get like lower than a zero." Hadeer: Nods head "Nah man, they're going to give her the ax right away. Administration does not mess around here."